30 March 2007

The Inspiration Pilgrimage

Over the course of the next six or seven weeks, I will be posting information both about the Inspiration Fund that Episcopal Relief and Development is creating to raise money for the Millennium Development Goals, particularly Goal #6, the eradication of HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, and other diseases and the Camino de Santiago de Compostela in northern Spain.

The idea of combining this medieval pilgrimage walk with raising money for the eradication of age-old diseases seems most fitting as we close out our 1500+ kilometre walk that began in April 2004. We walk about six-eight hours a day, averaging about 15 miles. Our walk this spring will take 16 days to go from Estella-Rabanal del Camino, Spain (the portion in red on the adjacent map).

Bienvenidos/as a este camino. Welcome to this journey.